Back To School Pen Tuning Festival

Artist’s impression (may not reflect real event)

On Saturday, 29 August, I will be holding the third of my free pen-tuning clinics in the front window of Paper Umbrella (or, as they’re known on Facebook, Paper Umbrella).  That’s free flow adjustments, point smoothings, and minor cleaning, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., offered to everyone that comes to the store with a fountain pen.  It’s also, given the venue, a stirling opportunity to buy some ink, some rather nice stationery, and even… a pen!


Those who read the news here regularly will no doubt be wondering why no mention was made of the previous two events.  I’m strong on pens, but I’m sadly weak on self-promotion.

{Edit: I’m so bad at it, that it only belatedly occurs to link also to the Facebook Event page; if you’re in the area and thinking of coming out, why not let us all know?}

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