Maker: Soyuz.
This pen is very clearly derived from the Parker “51”, although there were so many pens one could say that about on the west side of the Iron Curtain that this is hardly the sort of thing one can point a finger of accusation at. The interesting departure here is that the pen is fitted with an accordian filler, which is an uncommon enough item in any country.
The writing is an odd combination. The point is unexpectedly flexible, but is also slightly and apparently irredeemably scratchy (toothy, of you prefer). If not for some worries about the durability of the cap under the stresses of frequent removal, I’d likely use the pen a lot.
If you want a slighly longer examination of this pen, I contemplated it a little on my blog shortly after it arrived.
Production Run: I can’t say. The point has “5-9” on it, which I’m reasonably sure aren’t Cyrillic letters but are also extremely esoteric. The shape of the clip suggests a late 1940s Waterman is also being used for inspiration, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Cost When New: Likely not very expensive, and my understanding of how the Soviet economy was run would make any guess something approaching nonsense; I know that there was currency, and it was exchanged for goods and services in broadly the manner we’re all used to under capitalism, but I dare not make assumptions.
Size: 14.1 cm long capped, 15.4 cm posted, 12.7 cm uncapped.
Point: This is another issue. I think it’s steel, but the finish on it is very funny; it suggests both bronze and titanium. There is a surprising flex in my example, given that it is a hooded pen.
Body: Some kind of plastic.
Filler: Accordion, capacity approx. 1.5 ml.

Exploded view. Be aware that the connector has both common and reverse threading, which makes tightening everything back together a bit of a challenge
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