I had intended to publish more than one page in this cycle, but since the research on the other one has… I shall say “bogged down” as if I expect eventual rescue, and I rather wanted to use (and therefore publicly admit I’ve got) this pen on my blog, this update announcement is for only the …
August 2012 archive
Permanent link to this article: http://dirck.delint.ca/beta/?p=6161
Permanent link to this article: http://dirck.delint.ca/beta/?p=6132
Peter Pan and the Lost… Boys?
I\’m not sure of the gender of fountain pens… I think they\’re masculine in German and French (and so, by extension, in Latin). In any event, I\’ve got some new pictures of a wrinkly Waterman Super Master, an all-metal Sheaffer Thin Model, and a blue Junior Vacumatic, which is a relatively mottly bunch to accompany the new …
Permanent link to this article: http://dirck.delint.ca/beta/?p=6084